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  • Writing Exceptional @nogc Code

    Update: D now supports an experimental @nogc exception mechanism. Consider using this instead: https://dlang.org/changelog/2.079.0.html#dip1008

    The D programming language offers an interesting feature I really like, as of recent compiler versions. You can add a @nogc annotation to functions to disable garbage collector allocations for a function, and the compiler will check for any such allocations and return a compile time error if the function causes any allocations. This feature is useful, as the language contains many features which use the garbage collector, and it can be sometimes difficult for a human to detect all of those allocations. Garbage collector allocations can result in collection cycles, which can be a huge problem for real time or soft real time applications. So the language offers a feature to prove there are no such allocations in your code, and therefore makes it easier to write such applications.

    One problem with the @nogc annotation is that all runtime, non-static, garbage collected allocations are disabled, and therefore is not possible to create a new garbage collected exceptions in a @nogc function. Here, I will discuss some alternatives you can use to get around this issue, and what’s coming in the future to address this issue.

    The Problem

    To give a short description of the problem, using a completely arbitrary error, let us assume you want to report an error if a function you write has a value which is not greater than 3. Let us play pretend that this validation in particular is somehow actually more complicated than it is, so we can imagine that somehow we can only know about this bad value during runtime. So your first thought might be to write this.

    @nogc void foo(int x) {
        if (x < 3) {
            // The compiler will raise an error about this line.
            // It uses 'new', so it uses a GC allocation.
            throw new Exception("x has to be at least 3!");

    You write a function which takes your value, and you throw some exception when the value is, by some measure, the wrong value. The problem now is that you cannot create a new exception, as that’s an allocation with the garbage collector, and your function explicitly forbids those allocations.

    Solution 1 – Use Assertions

    The first alternative solution I propose is to use assertions or contracts to report errors for a bad value. There are advantages and disadvantages to this approach. The advantages are as follows.

    1. You can disable the assertions and contracts in your production build, if you use them only to prove during development that such errors will not be created. This can be an advantage if you don’t want to pay the runtime cost for the checks.
    2. The assertions are short and simple to write, and it is obvious where they originate from.

    The disadvantages are as follows.

    1. Disabling assertions and contracts might lead to bugs in your production builds, in which case you might have to make a choice to leave them enabled in your final build, which carries a runtime cost.
    2. Assertions are Error instances, and Error instances are not supposed to be caught and dealt with in your program. Error instances are designed to be so bad they crash a program, and catching them is forbidden in @safe code. If you wish to catch your exceptions, this can be a problem for you.

    With an assertion, the function looks like so.

    @nogc void foo(int x) {
        // This is OK.
        assert(x >= 3, "x has to be at least 3!");

    With a contract, still using an assertion, the function looks like so.

    @nogc void foo(int x)
    in {
        // This is OK.
        assert(x >= 3, "x has to be at least 3!");
    } body {

    Some programmers don’t like contract syntax so much, some programmers love it. I happen to be one of the latter, as I like the visual separation between pre-conditions and the implementation of a function. There also exist out contracts which can taken an optional return value for validating return values, or rather post-conditions. You can pick a style which suits you.

    I will also note that any assertion which can be statically proven to always fail when the line is reached will remain in D programs, even when assertions are normally removed. In simpler terms, that means to keep an assertion in the program in ‘release’ mode, simply change the example above wrapping a failing assertion in an if statement.

    @nogc void foo(int x) {
        if (x < 3) {
            // This line will not be removed in production code.
            assert(false, "x has to be at least 3!");

    These types of assertions are designed for truly fatal errors, for lines of code which ought not to ever be reached under any circumstance. Use them sparingly, and try to keep that principle in mind.

    Solution 2 – Use Error Objects

    This solution comes primarily from my experience with working with Objective-C, and should also enable some more verbose error reporting in functions which can also be marked as nothrow. The solution works like so.

    1. Create a type for holding error information in them, much like an exception.
    2. For every function call, pass in a reference to an error object with the other arguments, to be filled with a possible error.
    3. Check for an error for every invocation of a function.

    There are advantages to this approach.

    1. You can perform some error reporting in functions which are not only @nogc functions, but are also nothrow functions. This means you won’t have to deal with issues with stack unwinding, and this will make the code usable in environments where exceptions cannot be used at all, like embedded chipsets.
    2. You can add runtime information into your error types, so you can produce better error messages at runtime.

    The disadvantages can be quite objectionable for some.

    1. Your code will not be correct unless you explicitly check for errors for every invocation. Programmers who use your functions, including perhaps yourself, will be tempted to ignore the errors and press on anyway. This can create all manner of headaches.
    2. Your function signatures will be more ugly and take more work to call, as you will have to pass in your error objects with each function call. Handling errors this way requires quite a bit of boilerplate.
    3. Passing the error objects around will create a probably unavoidable runtime cost.

    Before I show example code, I will make a note about how the approach here will differ from Objective C. In Objective C, errors are created with pointers to pointers, and the objects are reference counted with ARC. D does not offer such a facility at the moment, and reference counting can become quite complicated, so instead in D, I use simple struct values.

    You can adjust the solution to use reference counted objects with heap allocation if this is not acceptable for your use cases. For me, it looks like this.

    // Write more readable than 'false' and 'true'
    enum HasError: bool { no, yes }
    // Some error codes to store in our error type.
    enum SomeErrorCode { numberOkay, outOfRange }
    // A struct, using D's default initialiser behaviour.
    struct SomeError {
        // Mark the data private, so we can't modify it later.
        private SomeErrorCode _errorCode;
        private int _number;
        // Write a constructor so we can set the private data.
        @nogc @safe pure nothrow
        this(SomeErrorCode errorCode, int number) {
            _errorCode = errorCode,
            _number = number;
        // Offer some read-only properties.
        @nogc @safe pure nothrow
        @property SomeErrorCode errorCode() const {
            return _errorCode;
        @nogc @safe pure nothrow
        @property int number() const {
            return _number;
        // Implement something so `if (error)` will work.
        bool opCast(T: bool)() {
            return errorCode == SomeErrorCode.numberOkay;
    // Now our function returns HasError.yes if the function failed, and
    // outputs an error with some information when it does.
    @nogc nothrow
    HasError foo(out SomeError error, int x) {
        if (x < 3) {
            // Here we set the error.
            error = SomeError(SomeErrorCode.outOfRange, x);
            // Report that we set an error.
            return HasError.yes;
        // If everything went well, say no errors occurred.
        return HasError.no;
    void main() {
        import std.stdio;
        SomeError error;
        if (foo(error, 2)) {
             // writeln isn't @nogc nothrow, but you can imagine something else.
             writeln("This number was wrong: ", error.number);

    This solution uses the out reference feature of D. out references are like ordinary references, only they always default initialise the value before it is assigned to. So the error message will never be set with something other than either “no error,” or what the function assigns to it. Using these references to error objects means that structs for error objects will have to have a default state meaning “there was no error.” Doing this correctly can takes some consideration, but at the very least it can be accomplished with an extra error code for “no errors,” a boolean flag, or checking if an object contains some invalid value.

    As stated previously, this solution requires a lot of boilerplate to work with, and can lead to writing some incorrect code, when the errors are ignored. However, this solution can be ideal when exceptions simply cannot be used at all, which could be the cause in very limited environments. If the error code is all the information you really need, you can also decide to forgo the objects entirely, and simply return an error code with an enum type. Let it not be said that I did not suggest error codes as a possible solution.

    A Pitfall – Allocating Exceptions Statically

    One exception to the @nogc checks is static allocation. static variables in D, much like in C++, are only allocated once. In D “once” means “once per thread”, as D’s types are thread-local by default, and if a shared static variable is used, the variable will only be allocated once globally. Because we can allocate static variables with new, even in @nogc functions, then we can also allocate static exception variables.

    However, there is a problem with this approach. Consider the following example.

    void foo(int x) {
        if (x < 3) {
            static const exception = new Exception("x has to be at least 3!"); throw exception;

    The static initialised variable will only be initialised once, despite its location inside of a function. This can take some getting used to. C++ programmers might find this natural already.

    The problem with this approach is that in order to set up the stack trace for an exception, the trace is set after the exception is thrown. Consider the following application of the function above.

    void main() {
        try {
            // This will throw an exception.
        } catch (Exception err) {
            // This will throw exactly the same exception again.
            // Now have changed the original exception still
            // in flight, as they are one and the same!

    For this reason, we cannot consider this as a possible solution.

    The Future

    Not being able to use exceptions perhaps as effectively as you might like in @nogc functions is a known problem in the D community, and the implementers of @nogc already understood the problem. They simply did not have a workable solution at the time @nogc was implemented. Some work is being done on the D language to add ARC, including for class types, to the language. Once D can support ARC, reference counted exceptions are sure to follow.

    In future, I can suggest Solution #3 – ARC for exception types, which might some day end up becoming the general solution for the language. Until that day comes, you can try my suggestions above, or indeed come up with your own solutions.

    For the moment, @nogc in D also appears to imply nothrow. As you cannot create new exception objects at all, at least in a safe manner, it is simply not possible to throw an exception from a @nogc function at the moment. If your function has the former annotation, it can probably have the latter. Other Throwable objects can be thrown, but they are designed to be treated as fatal errors for crashing an application. Throwable objects can be thrown which are not Exception types from nothrow functions for this reason.

    If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to share it around and add your comments below. I hope my ramblings will be of use to someone else.